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Chrysanthemum and Asiatic Bouquet ..
HK$590.00 HK$690.00
HK$540.00 HK$590.00
Chrysanthemum Bouquet ..
HK$540.00 HK$640.00
From the Bright Yellow of the 3 stargazer lilles, the deep red match flowers and the contrasting gre..
HK$640.00 HK$660.00
Clear Glasses Vase 10 Inches Height ..
HK$108.00 HK$220.00
A Colorful fruits Hamper with Yellow Bananas, Red Grape, Sunkist Oranges, Delicious Green Grapes, Pe..
HK$790.00 HK$940.00
A Nice Floral arrangement with Red Lily, Orange Color of Flowers with Fillers..
HK$420.00 HK$520.00
12pcs Crystal Blue Roses Bouquet ..
HK$690.00 HK$740.00
8pcs Crystal Blue Roses with 2 mixed color Hydrangea ..
HK$890.00 HK$940.00
Holland Cymibidium with Anthurium leave and filler bautifully arrange in glass vase..
HK$690.00 HK$720.00
Light Purple Color Forget me Not Bouquet, 20pcs Forget me not flowers in light purple color, its a k..
HK$239.00 HK$720.00
五重朱古力蛋糕 以加入牛乳的軟滑朱古力慕思為外層,包裹著綿密的黑森林蛋糕、66%可可濃度的特濃朱古力,再配上法式牛油蛋糕及朱古力脆米層,帶給您層層豐富口感。 ..
HK$408.00 HK$420.00
10 types of fresh fruits are included in the basket with Japanese Aomori Apple, pineapple, star frui..
HK$2,720.00 HK$2,920.00
Dendrobium and Lily Package, chocolate and balloon ..
HK$640.00 HK$690.00
Dendrobium Orchid Package , Sparking wine and balloon ..
HK$740.00 HK$820.00