Substitute Policy and Delivery Times

Substitute Policy and Delivery Times

Substitute Policy

  • Occasionally, us and our local florists may not have some items listed in the product description in stock, and substitutions of items of equal or greater value will be necessary to ensure an on-time delivery.
  • Should the main flower type in the bouquet have to be replaced, we will attempt to notify you by email; if we are unable to reach you, we will proceed with the substitution to prevent any delay in the delivery of your order. Roses, however, will never be substituted with other flowers without requesting your confirmation first, even if that results in a delayed delivery. At the same time, please note that if we do not hear from you within 12 hours from our first email we will proceed with delivery of your order to avoid further delays. We will substitute them with flowers / wrapping / packing method of the same or greater value.
  • if our florist does not have a certain packing box / basket / vase, the delivery will be made with a bouquet or similar packing / wrapping method of equal or grater value. For example, if a box is unavailable, we will replace with a bouquet for rose arrangement or a basket may be replaced with a vase of equal or greater value.
  • If our florist does not have a certain add on product (e.g cake or bear), the delivery will be made with an alternative add on gift from the same category of add on gift of equal or greater value. For example, if a bear with a heart is unavailable, we will replace with a larger bear without a heart, or a white bear may be replaced with a brown bear of equal size.
  • Our florist may make changes to the colour of the flowers based on freshness, styling and availability at the point of order preparation, but will always maintain the overall shades of the arrangement displayed on the Website.
  • We cannot guarantee that the colour shade will perfectly match the one shown in the picture. For instance, a yellow bouquet may be presented in a paler or a deeper shade. The same with pink, and many other coloured flowers, the shade may vary.
  • In the event of more extreme colour changes to the main flower type (e.g red roses), we will attempt to contact you to inform you by email. However, if we are unable to reach you, we will proceed with the colour substitution to prevent delays in the order delivery. The only exception comes with a red roses only arrangement, when we will wait for you to get back to us before we proceed.
  • All vase types and colours are subject to availability in the recipient’s location. We may substitute vases and wrappings with alternative colours/shapes/styles without warning when unavailable as to ensure there is no delayed delivery. Utmost care is taken to replace with the closest available style and colour to ensure the overall theme of the arrangement is maintained. As with all our flowers and gifts, vases and wrappings are only ever replaced with equal or greater value equivalents.
  • Images of gifts and gift baskets on our Website are for illustrative purposes only. The gift contents will meet the specification in the product description / specification, but may look different to the images displayed on our Website. Please note that where a specific brand or item is unavailable we will replace with the closest item available of equal or greater value.

Delivery Times

  • We cannot guarantee an exact delivery time or the delivery time slots offered, as this depends on the availability of our logistics team and our local florists. In most cases you will be given the option of choosing between morning, afternoon or evening delivery. If we are unable to deliver within your selected delivery time slot (morning, afternoon, evening) then we will refund any additional fee charged for timed delivery in that time slot (if one has been charged). There will not be a refund of the primary anytime delivery fee and the flat rate delivery charge per order (if applicable) and no other compensation can be provided. Further to this, if a recipient requests delivery outside of the time slot requested by the customer the additional fee for delivery within the requested time slot will not be refunded or compensated.
  • Customer can still choose the time slot for delivery even the time slot selection option is still available on the checkout page, for example, you can still choose morning time slot (09:00 - 13:00) for delivery when you place the order at 11:00am, we will try our best for delivery with the selected time slot but depends on the delivery location and our logistics team, if we cannot delivery within your selected time slot, we will deliver your order on the next time slot without any warning but we will inform you once delivered.
  • Due to security reasons, some residence / village / office building , we need to confirm with the recipient by phone before delivery else the management office / security guard will not allow for deilvery, this is not under our control but we will try our best to keep it secert to have suprise to recipient. We will delivery on the next working day if we cannot contact the recipient for delivery by 5:00pm.



10 Red Roses in Round Bouquet

10 Red Roses in Round Bouquet

  10 Perfect Match Red Roses in Round Bouquet   Red roses show ele..

HK$620.00 HK$690.00

12 Memorable Red Roses Bouquet

12 Memorable Red Roses Bouquet

12 Memorable Red Roses Bouquet ..

HK$580.00 HK$840.00

Sweet Peach

Sweet Peach

16 Stems Rose Bouquet in Peach Color Send Sixteen Light Peach roses (Champagne Color) in a bouque..


Mid Autumn Festival Fruits Hamper and MoonCake and Red Wine

Mid Autumn Festival Fruits Hamper and MoonCake and Red Wine

Seasonal Mid Autumn Featival Fruits Hamper include fresh fruits like washington apples, Sunkist Oran..

HK$1,000.00 HK$1,160.00

Lovely Snow

Lovely Snow

A Bouquet of Four White Lilies and Lisianthus plus Greenery in a beautiful Hand bouquet. White lill..


Lily Bouquet , 3 lily and 4 gerbera

Lily Bouquet , 3 lily and 4 gerbera

Lily Bouquet , 3 lily and 4 gerbera ..

HK$440.00 HK$520.00

One Dozen Maria Pink Rose Bouquet

One Dozen Maria Pink Rose Bouquet

One Dozen Maria Pink Rose Bouquet ..

HK$500.00 HK$800.00

Pink Flowers Bouquet

Pink Flowers Bouquet

Pink Flowers Bouquet for a sweetly pink lady, One Pink Lily with four Pink colors gerberas beautiful..

HK$440.00 HK$440.00

We are a Local Florist in Hong Kong

Searching a Professional Local Florist for Flowers Delivery to Hong Kong ?
We do flower delivery services to anywhere in Hong Kong, Central, United Center, Admiralty Center, Pacific Place, High Court, Citic Tower, HK Government office, Conrad Hotel, Island-Shangri Hotel, H Hotel and Mid level areas. Our Local Hong Kong Florist is able to accomplish it relentlessly and flawlessly. Our Online Flower Shop in different location of Hong Kong with workshop is open to any time communication and you will just use required interfaces of our Flower Shopping Site to make a contact for a prompt and energetic reply. We can advice you online once you request us to do so. You can avoid errors while choosing Flowers items as long as you let our Reliable Florist in Hong Kong consult with you to give the best advice. Our staff of Man Flower Shop is a local Florist here, we will be on your spot and perform things along with Express Flower Delivery, if you want the things to go in that way. Our Floral Designer and flowers delivery team can reduce your expense by helping you choose the right items through online display, verbal conversation, and interface-based selection to avoid flaws. 


Featured Product for Birthday, Anniversary, Mother's Day, Congratulation and for Your Valentine

Our Flowers Delivery Areas

Our Delivery Team Provide Daily Flowers Delivery to The Following Areas:

Hong Kong Island
Kennedy Town, HK University, Sai Ying Pun, Sheung Wan, Central, IFC One, IFC Two, International Finance Center, Admiralty, Wanchai, Causeway Bay, Tin Hau, Happy Valley, Tai Hang, Fortress Hill, North Point, The Peak, Kornhill, Quarry Bay, Tai Koo Shing, Shau Kei Wan, Sai Wan Ho, Hang Fa Chuen, Chai Wan, Siu Sai Wan, Stanley, Tai Tam, Stanley, Shek O, Repulse Bay, Deep Water Bay, Hong Kong Parkview, Ocean Park, Southern Hill, Aberdeen, Bel-air, Cyberport, Pokfulam

Kowloon Island
Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon West, ICC, HungHom, Jordan, Yau Ma Tei, Mongkok, Prince Edward, Ho Man Tin, Whampoa, Sham Shui Po, Cheung Sha Wan, Lai Chi Kok, Mei Foo, Kwai Chung, Lai King, Kwai Fong, KCC, Kwai Hing, Tsuen Wan, Kowloon Tong, Wong Tai Sin, Diamond Hill, Choi Hung, Kowloon City, Kowloon Bay, Ngau Tau Kok, Kwun Tong, Lam Tin, Yau Tong, Tin Keng Leng, Lohas Park, Tseung Kwan O, Hang Hau, Po Lam

New Territories
Sai Kung, Clearwater Bay, Sheung Sze Wan, HKUST, Marina Cove, Pak Sha Wan, Sai Sha, Tai Mong Tsai, Wu Kai Sha, Ma On Shan,  Sha Tin, Fotan, Tai Wai, Chinese University, Shek Mun, Hong Lok Yuen, Tai Po, Science Park, Fanling, Ping Che, Sheung Shui, Shek Kong

New Territories West
Tuen Mun, Hong Kong Gold Coast, Yuen Long, Tin Shui Wai, Long Ping, Kam Sheung Road, Pat Heung

Lantau Island and Outlying Areas
Hong Kong International Airport Arrival Hall, Chap Lap Kok, Hong Kong Zhuhai Macau Bridge, Tsing Yi, Park Island, Ma Wan, Hong Kong Disneyland, Tung Chung, Discovery Bay, Tai O, Tong Fuk, Mui Wo, Long Ping 360, Ping Chau, Cheung Chau, Lantau Island, Lamma Island 

Flowers delivery to all Hotels in Hong Kong
We send flowers to all Licensed Hotels in Hong Kong

Flowers delivery to Hospital
We send flowers to all Government and Private Hospitals in Hong Kong

Same day Delivery Services is available for orders confirmed by 15:00.

Our Flower Shop Hong Kong Contact &  Whatsapp Number

We Provide Wide Selection of Flowers and Gifts

We do all kinds of Flowers, Bouquet, Gifts, Fruits Hamper, Seasonal Fruits Basket, Get Well Flowers, Birthday Flowers, Birthday Cakes, Birthday Package, Flowers for Congratulation, Office and Shop Opening, Sympathy.

Fresh Flowers Bouquet : 

Flowers Bouquet by colors: Red Color, Yellow Color, Pink ColorWhite Color, Orange Color, Purple Color, Champagne Color, Blue Color, Black Color.

Flowers by Occasion: Flowers for her, Gift for Him, New Born Baby Flower and Gift, Birthday Flowers, Flowers for Anniversary, Graduation Flowers, Apology Flowers, Get Well Flowers, Condolence

For any queries, please contact us by phone or Whatsapp.


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