

Fresh white flowers are most closely associated with purity and innocence. The delicate white blossoms represent honesty, purity, and perfection. White flowers are ideal when you are looking to communicate that wonderful combination of elegance and innocence. For many, white roses are the perfect bridal flower. Other gorgeous and powerful white flowers include white carnations, white orchids, white calla lilies, and white daisies. These flowers all communicate pure, thoughtful love and undying fidelity.

Roses and Asiatic Bouquet

Roses and Asiatic Bouquet

Roses and Asiatic Bouquet ..

HK$590.00 HK$690.00

Roses and Iris Vase Bouquet

Roses and Iris Vase Bouquet

Roses and Iris Bouquet ..

HK$690.00 HK$790.00

Small Boxed Oriental ands Rose

Small Boxed Oriental ands Rose

Small Boxed Oriental & Rose ..

HK$640.00 HK$690.00

Thailand Queen

Thailand Queen

Thailand Queen Thailand Orchids Flowers Bouquet in Purple Color Thailand Orchids have Purple and W..

HK$600.00 HK$620.00

The Alison

The Alison

15 Stems Mix Color Holland Tulips Boquuet *Colors of tulips may subject to availability ..

HK$760.00 HK$820.00

The Lilah in Vase

The Lilah in Vase

This Yellow and Orange arrangement with yellow rose, orange rose, golden phoenix ,yellow pincus..

HK$660.00 HK$790.00

The Pure Clarissa

The Pure Clarissa

The Pure Clarissa White Rose Boquuet with 5 White Rose, eustoma, sala tip, alstromeria, golden ..

HK$740.00 HK$890.00

The Spring Breeze

The Spring Breeze

The Spring Breeze arrange with 8 Roses in orange, yellow, pink and champagne color and four gerberas..

HK$630.00 HK$790.00

White Oriental Lily Arrangement

White Oriental Lily Arrangement

White Oriental Lily Arrangement ..

HK$540.00 HK$590.00

Showing 31 to 39 of 39 (3 Pages)


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